
semalam petang: test construction economy
it was like pfft! soalan gilak punya susah.
test ke final exam? aku pun konpius. -.-'
tadi tengahari pulak,test building services
it was like ...........duh sedih nya.
ya allah,rasa macam nak re-test jah.

why second sem ni tersangat bizi.benda dah siap satu, ade lagi satu benda yg datang. tak henti henti. and it become tougher and tougher. fuhh. aku nak masa bersama family. masa dengan kawan kawan. i need their shoulders. sigh* :'( 

woot woot <3

i miss myself.


yunie said...

i miss youuuuu !

Yonna Lahh!! said...

bon! miss you too, woot woot! :'(
weh bon, kat surabaya ke tu. pergi sana tak bagitahu punnnnnn...

alin said...

yonnn!! rindu gilakkk...

yunie said...

hehehe. tak nak heboh heboh lahhh -.-'