Pemberi Harapan.

cerita bawah ni copy dari sini: http://kidsgivemehope.blogher.com/top
cerita cerita dia byk buat aku awwwwww ;) tersentuh beb!! antaranya....

cerita satu:
I was reading about a little kid whose mom told him the key to life was happiness

When he was in school the teacher asked them to write down 
what they wanted to be when they grew up. He said happy.

They said he didn't understand the assignment. 
He said they didn't understand life.My generation GMH 

cerita kedua:
My family tells me that I can't sing

One night I was singing to my 6yr old cousin and he said 
I had the most beautiful voice he ever heard.

Colin your love for me and my voice ;)

cerita ketiga cerita sendiri punya: hehe

Last Night, I've been severely depressed.I stayed in my room alone.

I texted a friend of mine, Arisya.
'Sya, aku pms ni. asyik nak emo emo emo je.
Bosannnnnnn! nk bf nk bf nk bf!'

She replied,'Sabarlah. Cuba pikir, entah entah bakal bf kau pun
tengah cakap Nk gf! Nk gf! Nk gf! Cuma korg belum jumpe je lagi.Haha. Aku pun nak!'

Arisya, you givemehope! (HAHAHAHAHA)

FUUU Takleh belah nk mampus ;)
p/s: aku dengan Arisya mmg cenggini. girls' talk keh keh keh 

sila muntah.


alin said...

yonnn!!! kiut gilak cite last tu...aku skeee =)) smile lebar2. sket pipi. sengalnye korang!!

Anonymous said...

agaga, nie jannah, cute nyer,! kan alin kan,? HAHHA,!

HHH said...

crack doe kau yonn

yunie said...

nk bf nk bf nk bf !

tfa_purpleclover said...

nak steady bf nak steady bf nak steady bf.


desperate ruumate said...

haha. okay MANIS!


Yonna Lahh!! said...

alin,jannah: korang lagi cute! weeeee

aku crack? apa yg crack doe jik?

yunie! gimme ten. lol sounds pathetic gilaa. piuhhh -.- Hahah

tponk: steady bf tu cmno?

tita ;)

hue hue hue

Idora Qatrunnada said...

Tak pe...as the world says, save the best for the last..
tak lame lagi tu yon..bagos la dah terbukak pintu hati kau tu..=))))

Tapi adakah arisya yg aku kenal??

Yonna Lahh!! said...

hahaha terbukak hati??
hihihi lawak lah kau ni dor. yupe arisya anak pakcik raja anuar. :D

Idora Qatrunnada said...

Yela..dalam ramai2 yang aku tengok, kau la yang paling susah nak save some space for some guys...kee...ade je tapi senyap2...huhu

Yonna Lahh!! said...

haha mana ada senyap senyap. kalau ada, korg lah org pertama aku share. dora nnt kasi tips mengayat wokayh. LOL gila hahaaha :P

Idora Qatrunnada said...

hahahaha..tak perlu mengayat la..
kau tu dah affectionate enough dah...