Check check, rock and roll!


___ Shorts 
___ Jeans/casual pants 
___ Dress pants 
___ Skirted suits 
___ Pantsuits 
___ Dress shirts 
___ Casual shirts 
___ Dressy dresses 
___ Casual dresses 
___ Sweaters 
___ Coat/hat/gloves/ear muffs/scarves 
___ Workout wear 
___ Undergarments (bra, underwear, slips, etc) 
___ Nylons, socks 
___ Jewelry: earrings, necklaces, pins 
___ Scarves & accessories 
___ Belts 
___ Shoes: dress, tennis, casual, sandals, snow shoes 
___ Swim suit & cover-up/swim goggles 
___ Water shoes 
___ Sun hat 
___ Sun glasses 
___ Prescription glasses/contacts 
___ Sleepwear & bathrobe 
___ House slippers 

___ Undergarments 
___ Socks -- dress and sports 
___ Suits 
___ Ties 
___ Dress shirts 
___ Casual shirts 
___ Dress pants 
___ Casual pants 
___ Jeans/sports belt 
___ Workout wear 
___ Jewelry/cufflinks/tie tacks 
___ Shoes: dress, tennis, casual, thongs, snow shoes 
___ Swim suit & cover-up/swim goggles 
___ Water shoes 
___ Sun glasses 
___ Prescription glasses/contacts 
___ Sleepwear & bathrobe 
___ House slippers 
___ Coat/hat/gloves/ear muffs/scarves 
___ Sweaters 

___ Make-up Tweezers, clippers, cuticle scissors 
___ Allergy, asthma, headache meds. 
___ Topical ointments, antibacterial creams 
___ Sun screen 
___ Mosquito repellant 
___ Band-aids 
___ Feminine hygiene products 
___ Vitamins 
___ Hand lotion 
___ Shaver/shaving cream 
___ After-shave 
___ Shampoo & conditioner 
___ Contact lens solution 
___ Hair spray 
___ Cotton balls, Q-tips 
___ Nail polish & remover 
___ Blow dryer 
___ Curling iron 
___ Combs & brushes 
___ Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss 
___ Birth control

___ Picture ID 
___ Reading materials 
___ Laundry bag 
___ Tote bag 
___ Traveler's checks 
___ Cash 
___ Camera & film 
___ Airline tickets 
___ VIP Frequent Flyer Pass/ID 
___ Rental car info 
___ Hotel info 
___ Snacks/Energy bars 
___ Bottled water 
___ Carry-on travel emergency kit (medications, toothbrush, etc.) 
___ Writing pad 
___ Stationery/thank you notes 
___ Envelopes/postage 
___ Games/entertainment 
___ Sport equipment 
___ Palm Pilot/Visor/address book 
___ Travel alarm 
___ CD or cassette player/batteries 
___ CDs or cassette tapes 
___ Hostess gift or other gift 
___ Umbrella
___ Flashlight 
___ Maps/AAA guide books 
___ Driving directions printed off Internet 
___ Travel coupons/upgrade certificates 
___ Coupons for attractions in destination city

Business/Presentation Materials: 
___ Demo materials 
___ Handouts 
___ Overheads/slides 
___ Pointer 
___ Computer/PowerPoint presentation 
___ Memory stick (for computer file transfer) 
___ Business cards/promo materials 
___ Marker pens 
___ Client info 
___ Briefcase
___ Laptop computer (charge battery) 
___ Palm/Visor (handheld organizer) -- check batteries 
___ Computer modem lines 
___ AC charger cord 
___ Cell phone & charger 
___ Label maker 
___ Digital camera /
___ Camera batteries & charger if rechargables 
___ Items to retail/Order forms 
___ Camera recharger or extra batteries 

International Travel: 
___ Passport/Visa 
___ Electric adapter kit (110V adapter) 
___ Foreign language book/dictionary 
___ Medications for tropical diseases & traveler's diarrhea

To Do Before Leaving:
___ Back up computer 
___ Change voicemail message 
___ Reserve shuttle to airport 
___ Forward e-mail or put auto-response on e-mail 
___ Sync Palm/Visor 
___ Hold mail 
___ Cancel newspaper 
___ Housesitter/pet sitter 
___ Turn off pager/arrange for coverage while away

SOURCES: http://www.orgcoach.net/packlist.html


alin said...

yonnn..nak ole2. hehe...

nway suka sgt yon dpt offer ni. aku bangga sgt ni. power kot membe aku. pasni mintak2 rmi lagi ikut jejak lgkh cmni.

hafizmohamad said...

g mna yonnn?:P

Anonymous said...

gilo banyakkkk