Hello Stranger

After 500 days of summer, my second fav love comedy movie is a Thailand movie which known as Hello Stranger (2010)! Fweee, sweet sangat. Cerita pasal this one thailand-girl datang korea sebab nak melawat tempat yang dia sangat2 idamkan selama ni. alaa macam korang korang yg suka sangat and obses dekat korea.haha ;P then dekat sana die terjumpa pulak this one guy (thailand jugak) yang tak tahu apa apa pasal korea and die sangat pelik kenapa orang obses sangat dengan Korean drama-all-stuff. sesiapa yang suka sangat korea bagi dia mereka adalah freak. diorang pun berkawan la bla bla bla did some crazy thingy makan sotong hidup2 semua lah. however, dorang tak tahu pun nama masing masing. bagi that girl tak perlu lah tahu nama sebab nnt takde lah rasa sakit hati bila masing masing dah split ke tempat masing2.tapi at the end....alaaa, malas la nak cerita sinopsis.. nah tengok trailer dia okay.
wee ;D

"Hello Stranger made me revisit my dreams of finding true love at some random city in the world—to experience how lovely it is to travel with someone who loves you not for your face, your name or your past—but for what makes you the quirky you." -  indeed,dardeneetaa


Idora Qatrunnada said...

yon, cite ni episode ke movie? cam best je..
btw, aku ade satu movie philipine best gile, a romance movie..
confirm nanges gile2 tgk..
tajuk die, one more chance..
da tgk?

yonnatrium said...

movie.. aku tgk dekat astro channel 952 tadi :) tp ko leh tgk kat youtube.try ni http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F9d1GWO4HY

one more chance eh? okie will watch later!! suka suka suka romance movie! :D tp aku tak suka korea movie.xtau kenapa hhe

farrah hannah handsome said...

hhehehehe, yonn! pegi tengok cite first love. cerita thailand. lagi best dari ni yon. yg tu tngok serious melt. :DD

ps, saya ada ceritaaaaa

yonnatrium said...

cerita apaaa? ce crite ce crite(: