"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow"

have you ever shuttling from fab office, to skr, back to fab office to get the pengesahan from en faizul.then went back to skr, again back to fab office to get the dekan's pengesahan. then went back to skr again and the bendahari just to pay for a crazy fine? hoish! and u know the fine cost me rm150 just because of denda tersalah register subject code. creepy aite. actually sebab law kan 3 creadits.. so,3creadits x rm50= rm150. nice lah, now i realize that i am really at the university of money now.sigh. ohh yeah whatever.most important today my law subject code has officially changed from bcec 1102 to bqes 1106. alhamdulilah. YAY for the change-ment but NAY for the fine -.-

p/s: skrg ni masalah clash exam date belum settle lagi. waiting and hoping.bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

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