✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁✌ ♡ ❁

Some things are too painful to say out loud
Well, they live behind a veil and see through a shroud
Words fly through his mouth
Like paper butterflies
Well they flutter around and put holes in your side

And he's half in love with Elizabeth
And he's half in love with you

I knew that you were thinking of him last night
'Cos I saw the blood seep down to your toes
Yes, hideaway if you must
But how can you put your trust
In a man who always sleeps in his clothes?

And he's half in love with Elizabeth
And he's half in love with you

And he's half in love with Elizabeth
And he's half in love with you

You're the sweet scent on an envelope
Or the photo in its book
But if you pin your hopes to his ???
I'm afraid the bubble will burst
I'm afraid that the bubble just might burst

The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst
The bubble will burst



alin said...

Da lama xdgr lagu ni...

Hai yon...

yonnatrium said...

hai alin the s***** of love. hahahaha eh lah awat hang tutup blog? :(

alin said...

bosan la yon..nt xbosan bukak balek. haha...de sampai 3 bulan tak buka2 blik bru ilg btul2.

haha...yon pun sme the s***** of love. geng r kite *high5*

yonnatrium said...

oh mcm tu eh.kalau bosan tutup blog eh..? so sekrang ni dah tak bosan lah kan sbb dah bukak blog balik? aneh aneh nye alin hahaha ;D

yeay high 10 trus lin!

alin said...

smlm bukak sbb de mmbe nk baca. sna nk sorok dri akak aku. dia asik skodeng je. haha...nt dia da lpe bru bukak blek.

yon jom crik cinta. prove that word r so wrong. hehe...

yonnatrium said...

ohhh kakak ko syida ke? hahah xD skodeng yo si alin ni kak.. blog die byk merepek pasal pakwe jek..haishh ;) haha

ha cari cinta? jom jomm bila bila? hhehe