Meatballing with Laila Maria dgn Farrah Hannah on wed.
nyom nyom nyommmmm... :)
Okayy, im soooooo super seronokgilakentanggg with all the asgnment stuffs pluss the LAME preparation untuk mgmt. (err again, tangan ke bahu mata ke atas)ergh, :( aku nk cerita betapa ngok ngek nye aku...
rasa macam rugi nyaaaaa jual! rasa macam nak pergi sorang gamble pun takpe kan pluss lagi pun aku baru je make new fren dgn dorang yg akan pergi that concert.. and dorg pun ckp rugi tak pergi.
'ala... asgnment bila bila pun boleh buat. tp mgmt bila lagi.bukan selalu. as the lyrics said, we got the vision, now lets have some fun ;)'
and theeennnnnn,
aku pun pergi rock corner balik. beli balik. selamat ada lagi. ada lagi 20keping. fiuhhhh.lega. hihi
but now bila tengok jam..jarum pendek tunjuk 2, jarum panjang tunjuk 3..the time is tick-tocking.and my heart keeps beating dgn laju nya entah kenapa, rasa macam tak sedap hati. and ive decided to not to go that mgmt concert.
ha pulak dah. hahaha sebab i have no confident nak pergi sorang sorang even ada kenalan dekat sana.but still rasa mcm tak berani.pluss bukit kiara tu tmpat altantuya...takut! oleh itu, ticket tu aku nak buat Frame letak kat dinding rumah!! Grr.
Sokay yon, nanti 21st April ada JUSTIN BIERBER. -.-
eh kejap kejap kejap. tengah type type entri ni.skali shaza kata Hazwanimia pergi mgmt.OMG! terus roger dia...hahahahha.
can you seeeeee andrewwww thereeeee. *orgasm* xD
hazim, izzudin andddd wanimia
orang paling tinggi dkat dunie. grr :|
last but not least, thanks tolonggg hantar.
bye Laila! :)
p/s: some pictures i took from mgmt's page.and the video sape punya ntah,curik dekat youtube..heheh
yayy, i have a blasssssstnite weeee. :D finally.
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cekidaut this
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