aku try berhenti

Not content with discovering the likes of Bloc Party, Late of The Pier, Florence and the Machine and Friendly Fires. Moshi Moshi Records continue to bring them vital new music in the form of The Drums. Recalling the sun drenched melodies of Brian Wilson accompanied with jangly post punk guitars, the four young men’s debut single ‘Let’s Go Surfing’ is the perfect introduction to their sound.

Taking from the sublime ‘Summertime’ EP, the track will make you clutch at the final remaining hours of summer we have left and has the catchiest whistling riff heard since Peter Bjorn & John’s ‘Young Folk.

hahaaa okay dah dah takyah ngarut panjang panjang. atas ni semua aku copy paste dr mana mana entah. bukan tu yg aku nk habaq mai kat sini. sebena nya ade bende yang lagi penting aku nk habaq. yg sebena nya aku baru saja nk start berhenti online fb. exam finale dah nk dekat. saya takut. saya cuak. saya tak pandai mcm awak awak semua. wuuhuuuu. heheee saya dah pass kan account saya dekat Bula,kwn saya. die tuka password fb saya dgn paswed entah apa apa pun saya taktau la. jadi lepas ni saya dah tak boleh on9 fb dah. sungguh mensob-sob kan :'( tp bagus gak. mmg tu yg aku nak. penyakit maFAlasFAS saya ni sgt sukar dibendung lagi lagi dgn ada nye fb. fb buat saya lalaiii. fb,YOU-MOTHER-F. haha
thx bula :) btw, band kat atas ni syiokkkkk Let's Go Surfing

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